Power of Attorney for actions related to the purchase and sale of real estate

The Power of Attorney (POA) is an official document with which a subject attributes to his representative the power to represent him.
There is a need to prepare the power of attorney for actions related to the purchase and sale of real estate, for example, if you live in a foreign country, or if for health reasons you cannot be present. The authorized agent, also known as an “attorney-in-fact,” can manage your property according to the permissions granted in the power of attorney.
This document must be conferred in writing and notarized. In the case of real estate purchases a so-called special Power of Attorney is advised, which would determine the representative’s range of actions. It should specify in a detailed way the powers conferred to the representative in order to avoid future objections.

Special Power of Attorney for actions related to the purchase and sale of real estate contains the following information:
  • Name of the document – Power of Attorney;
  • number of the POA;
  • date and place of signing;
  • Personal data of the principal and the representative: full name, date of birth, passport details, registration addresses;
  • range of actions that can be performed with the object, e.g. enter into a purchase and sale agreement, determine its terms, sign and submit documents to the official authorities to register ownership, pay the necessary fees and charges, receive money for the transaction, request, receive and sign other documents related to the sale of real estate;
  • validity;
  • possibility to entrust;
  • signature of the principal;
  • signature, seal, full name of the notary.
Our office issues powers of attorney for real estate actions at the highest professional level. Our powers of attorney are accepted both within the country and abroad. Our clients successfully complete their transactions in other countries around the world. By issuing a power of attorney in our office, you can be sure that it is prepared correctly.

Our contacts:
✉ karina.duvall@gmail.com
📍Brooklyn, NY

